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Archive for the 'Advanced' Category

The Importance of Sagittal Posture

The historic seminal book on orthopedics was written by Nicholas Andry in 1741 (1). The primary discussion of his book addressed the treatment of spinal distortions, beginning in childhood. Andry was a professor of medicine at the University of Paris. The word orthopedic is a composite of two Greek words: Ortho, meaning straight. Pedic, meaning [..]

Whiplash Injury and Stress Induced Analgesia and the Connection with Chiropractic Spinal Adjusting

The historic seminal book on orthopedics was written by Nicholas Andry in 1741 (1). The primary discussion of his book addressed the treatment of spinal distortions, beginning in childhood. Andry was a professor of medicine at the University of Paris. The word orthopedic is a composite of two Greek words: Ortho, meaning straight. Pedic, meaning [..]

The Intersecting of Two Lives: They Forever Improved Our Understanding of Back Pain

Architectural Mechanical History For thousands of years, pyramids have been known around the globe: the Middle East, Asia, India, China, the Americas, etc. Also known for millennia are the architectural wonders of Greece, Rome, and the churches/cathedrals throughout Europe and Asia. When viewing these wonders, one questions, how was any of this possible? These marvels [..]

Neurological Sensing of the Mechanics of Position and Movement

Historical Context Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, and businessman. He was born in 1833 and died in 1896. He held 355 patents in his lifetime, the most notorious of which was for dynamite. Dynamite used the explosive power of nitroglycerin. Nobel patented dynamite in 1867. Nobel amassed a fortune during his [..]

Text Neck & Tech Neck

Integrating Posture, Weight, Load, Spinal Degenerative Disease, Education of Postural Habits, and Chiropractic Care The primary method of public transportation connecting the cities of the San Francisco Bay Area is a train system called BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). BART passenger boarding platforms are often above ground adjacent to freeways. Driving by on the freeway, [..]

The Lumbar Discs, Low Back Pain, and Chiropractic Care

A Simple Model Approximately half of the adults in America suffer from chronic pain (1). Chronic pain affects every region of the body. The most significantly affected region of the body is the low back (2). The largest modern review of the chiropractic profession was published in the journal Spine on December 1, 2017, and [..]

Cervical Versus Lumbar Intervertebral Discs

The Anatomical, Clinical,and Management Distinctions The Cervical Disc isNOT a Mini Lumbar Disc Most of what is understood and taught about the intervertebral discs was ascertained by studying the lumbar discs. The “era of the intervertebral disc” began in 1934 when William Jason Mixter and Joseph Seaton Barr read their paper, Rupture of the Intervertebral [..]

Chiropractic Care for Low Back and Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Low back and/or pelvic pain in pregnancy is extremely common. A study published in the journal Spine in 1996 indicated that 76% of women reported back pain at some time during pregnancy (1). A study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2002 indicated that 35.5% of pregnant women [..]