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Archive for the 'Neck Pain' Category

The Headache, Neck Pain, and Jaw Pain Trio

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a painful and disabling condition that affects the joints, muscles, and nerves of the jaw. Those who suffer with TMD experience challenges with opening their mouth, which can make eating solid food impossible or even semi-solid or soft foods challenging. Patients with TMD often experience sharp pain when yawning, and even [..]

Managing Dizziness By Addressing Cervical Dysfunction

For the elderly adult, falls can result in severe injury and a loss of independence. One major cause for serious falls in the older population is dizziness. While there are many causes of dizziness, one that is often overlooked is dysfunction in the cervical spine that affects proprioception, or the ability to know where parts [..]

Chiropractic Treatment for Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture is a common postural fault in which the head’s center of gravity rests forward of the sagittal plane, and it’s typically associated with frequent electronic device and screen use. The further the head sits in front of the shoulders, the harder the muscles in the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper [..]

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

Occipital neuralgia (OccN) is a somewhat rare form of headache that affects about 3 in 100,000 people a year. How is OccN different than other forms of headache and what treatment approach might a doctor of chiropractic take to manage the condition? This type of headache is characterized by a sharp, shooting pain that radiates [..]

Risk Factors for Developing Neck Pain

It’s estimated that about 1 in 6 American adults experience neck pain in a given three-month time frame. Neck pain is a major cause of work absenteeism, work-related injury, and reduced quality of life. While some risk factors for neck pain may be unavoidable, many are not. A systematic review completed by a team of [..]

Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Neck pain and headaches are a leading cause of pain and suffering that affects hundreds of millions of seniors worldwide. Until recently, the use of chiropractic care for elderly adults with headaches and/or neck pain has been poorly understood. Let’s investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic care for the elderly who are affected with these conditions. [..]

Smartphones and Neck Pain, a Different Approach

In the last decade, the increased use of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices has resulted in more and more individuals taking on a slumped posture as they spend excessive amounts of time looking down to check email, browse the web, play games, or use social media. This forward head posture can place added strain [..]

Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain and Headache

Neck pain and headaches often co-occur and are two of the most common reasons patients seek chiropractic care. Thus, it’s important for a doctor of chiropractic to conduct a careful history and examination to determine if the patient’s headaches and neck pain are indeed related or if the issues need to be addressed independently. Here’s [..]

Causes of Neck Pain Outside of the Cervical Spine

When neck pain strikes, it’s often assumed the cause is also in the neck. It’s only logical, right? In many cases, focusing on the neck for diagnosis and treatment may lead to a satisfying result but not all the time. For some patients, neck pain may be related to a condition elsewhere in the body, [..]

The Neck and Tinnitus Relationship

Experts estimate that approximately 10% of the adult population in the United States experienced an episode of tinnitus—the perception of sound or noise without any external auditory stimulus being present—within the last year. Tinnitus can be caused by wax buildup in the ear, medication side effect, noise-induced hearing lost, ear and sinus infections, cardiovascular disease, [..]