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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
(CTS) is a condition in which a nerve in the wrist gets pinched
resulting in numbness, tingling, and sometimes grip strength loss. One
of the first symptoms of CTS involves waking up at night due to the
numb, tingly sensations. This initially occurs once in a while but
eventually becomes more frequent, [..]
Can receiving spinal adjustments make a person healthier? If so, how would you measure it?Treating
patients with chronic, long-term disabling back pain is truly a
challenge. A commonly utilized medical approach to treating these
patients (after the initial less invasive course of treatment has
failed) is the use of opioid pain relievers (OPR). Opioid pain [..]
The public press and indexed journals have claimed that chiropractic adjustments to the cervical spine can injure the vertebral artery. Students in Chiropractic College are also taught about the vertebral artery injury risk. Specifically, in college, chiropractic students are taught about:The anatomy of the cervical spine and of the vertebral artery.The manipulative maneuvers that theoretically [..]
Whiplash, as previously discussed, occurs quicker than the speed at which we can voluntarily contract our muscles in attempt to guard ourselves against injury. Hence, it is nearly impossible to properly brace in anticipation of an impending collision. When muscles, ligament, and joint capsules become injured, there is pain, and as a result, reflex muscle [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome
(CTS) is a common condition usually associated with repetitive strain
from jobs that require a fast, constant movement of the arms and hands
(such as working on an assembly line). Up to 9% of adult women develop
CTS and the rate of incidence increases after age 50. A common medical
treatment approach [..]
Exercise therapies have been identified as one of the most effective forms of treatment for Fibromyalgia
(FM). Unfortunately, in a study of 121 newly diagnosed FM patient
files, less than half included an exercise recommendation. This
statistic is alarming! This month’s article will focus on FM studies
that support the benefits of exercise.One study looked [..]
It’s safe to say that if one hasn't had neck and/or shoulder pain, they probably will at some point in the future. Like lower back pain, once someone has had neck pain, the chances for a future episode are significantly higher. A 2012 study reported that over a 12-month period, 16-18% of participants complained of [..]
Low back pain (LBP) has been a challenge to treat for centuries and evidence exists that back pain has been a concern since the origins of man. Chiropractic offers one of the most patient satisfying and fastest treatment approaches available. But, when you go to a chiropractor, there seems to be a lot of different [..]
Massage is the mechanical working of muscles and connective tissues to enhance function, and to improve upon the quality and timing of the healing process. Because massage also promotes relaxation and well-being, it also has pleasurable connotations.Myotherapy is often used synonymously for massage therapy. Myotherapy is the terminology used by many healthcare professionals because it [..]
commonly occurs as a result of a motor vehicle collision when
(typically) there is a sudden stop or deceleration that occurs so fast a
person cannot adequately brace himself or herself, even when aware of
an impending collision. This is because the "whiplash" effect is over in
about 500 msec and we cannot voluntarily [..]
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints for which patients present to chiropractic offices. Headaches are also another very common problem and often go hand-in-hand with the presence of neck pain. So, the question that is frequently asked is, "…why do headaches and neck pain often occur together?"
There are many types of [..]
In many cases, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) results strictly from overuse activities though, as we have discussed previously, other conditions such as hypothyroid, taking birth control pills, pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of arthritis can also be involved as a contributor and / or the sole cause. When these conditions are present, they must [..]